Sunday,  February 9, 2025

Dear Western Families,

We had great fun at our third annual Snow Ball this weekend and I am very grateful to the teachers and staff who spent their Saturday night at WAHS to make the dance possible. 

We hope that this week will end with another fun Western tradition: Singing Valentines.  Because there is a potential for winter weather in the middle of the week, we will have Singing Valentine sales both before school and at lunch in the cafeteria on Monday.  

Looking forward to the following week, next Monday, February 17, is a teacher professional development day and students will not have school.  We will host student progress conferences for families from 4:30 to 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 20.  Sign-up information for conferences will be sent out later this week.  

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Dear Western Families,

This week we celebrate our wonderful counseling team during National School Counseling Week.  We are so fortunate at Western to have such an amazing team to support both the academic and emotional needs of our students.  The last few years have presented a range of challenges and, while my gratitude is nice, I know that a quick note or email from our students and families is even more meaningful.  Please consider reaching out to a team member who has been a support for your student.  

On a related note, the window to recognize a local educator with a Golden Apple nomination has been extended through this week.  The nomination form is available at this link.  

Please see below for some quick notes about the week.


Jenn Sublette, WAHS principal

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dear Western Families,

With temperatures above freezing and the sun out this afternoon, I am hopeful that we are on the brink of a few five-day weeks of school!   Last week ended with our annual WAHS Got Talent show on Friday.  I was so proud of not only our amazing performers who took to the stage in front of all of their peers and the leadership classes that organized the event but also our students for being such a positive and supportive audience.  It was a wonderful event. 

We have put together key dates for second semester and preliminary information about spring SOL testing to help with planning.  


Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal


Spring Testing Dates for Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Tests:

Below are the dates that we will administer SOL tests.  This will mainly impact freshmen, juniors and some sophomores.  While it is best for students to be present on the scheduled day of tests, if conflicts are unavoidable, we will do our best to reschedule students as quickly as possible.  Students who take classes with end of course SOLs at other high schools will test at Western.  Their testing schedule will be personalized to be sure they test on days when they are normally at WAHS.  All students who are testing will receive a detailed overview of testing logistics closer to the testing dates.

SOL Testing Dates for Spring 2025

  • March 5 and 6 - Writing SOL (two-day test for Juniors only)
  • March 12 and 13 - Writing SOL make-ups
  • May 13 - All Science SOLs
  • May 16 - All Math SOLs and the Reading SOL
  • May 27-30 - SOL Make-ups and Retakes

General Second Semester Dates:

Feb 3-7: Winter Spirit Week

Feb 8: Snowball Dance 

Feb 17:  Professional Development Day for staff; no school for students

Feb 20: Student Progress Conferences 4:30-7:00pm

Mar 17:  Professional Development Day for staff; no school for students

Mar 24:  WAHS with a Cause Community Service Day

Mar 27:  End of 3rd Quarter

Mar 28: Teacher Work Day; no school for students

Apr 1-5:  Spring Break

Apr 15:  SAT School Testing Day for Juniors; Senior Class Trip

Apr 28: Professional Development Day for staff; no school for students

May 5: AP Testing Begins

May 17: Prom

May 21: CATEC Completer Ceremony

May 26: Memorial Day; no school for students or staff

May 29: Center I Celebration for Seniors

May 30: Western Graduation

Jun 6: Last Day of School for Students

Monday, January 20, 2025

Dear Families,

We have hit the halfway part of the year as we kick off second semester!  

Teachers have until February 5 to finalize grades and will be communicating with students about any first semester work that can still be completed.  Their deadlines may close earlier than early February, but the later date creates some flexibility for adjustments due to missed days of school.  Please remind your student that this is an important time of year to make the most of Warrior Period.  

We will run a slightly modified morning schedule this Friday for our annual WAHS Got Talent show.  Students can attend the show or work with teachers as they normally do during Warrior Period.  The modified schedule for Friday morning is pasted below.

Overall, students were very compliant with the new cell phone expectations.  We appreciate their cooperation and the support of those families we have had to reach out to when a violation has occurred.  We will continue to monitor cell phone access closely.

Jennifer Sublette, WAHS Principal

1st Block  8:55-10:20
2nd Block 10:25-11:50

WAHS Got Talent (11:55-12:30ish)

Lunch (Cafeteria opens at 12:15)





Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dear Families, 

Last week I sent out a “notes for the week” communication and then we never got to see our students!  I am sure you are ready to hand them back over to us after three weeks off. In all seriousness, I know this is a stressful time of year for extended snow days.  

While as a county we are not able to change the date of the end of the semester (1/17), we have extended the deadline for when teachers submit their first semester grades to February 5th.  This gives students and teachers more flexibility and time to complete assessments and related retakes before grades are due. We fully expect that some “first semester” work will take place between January 17 and February 5 based on teacher discretion.  Students in semester long courses such as Health and PE will switch classes to their second semester courses on January 21st.

On Monday we will run a two-hour delay schedule with a shortened homeroom (bell schedule pasted below).  That will give us time to reiterate the processes and expectations for student cell phone access that I shared with you last week, share upcoming events from our Leadership program, and help students sign up for Warrior Period sessions for the coming week.  

Finally, we recognize that the switch to this coming Friday being a school day for students may cause conflicts with plans that have already been made by many families.  Please know that we will work with students who need to be absent on Friday.


 I am looking forward to seeing our students tomorrow!
Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Dear WAHS Families, 

I hope that you and your student were able to relax and recharge over the winter break.  

I do need to share some sad news. Over break, we learned that Candace Cone, longtime French teacher at Western, passed away on December 25.  We were in contact with our staff as well as her current students and their families over break, but this is a loss that will have far reaching effects on our school community and I want to take a moment to honor the memory of a dear friend and colleague.  Madame Cone was a natural born educator who loved teaching and supporting her students and colleagues.  Her obituary is available here  I will miss her humor and warmth and feel fortunate to have been a part of her life.  Please keep her family, friends, and colleagues in your thoughts.  

While the current weather conditions have created some uncertainty, we look forward to welcoming students back, soon.  Below, please find an important overview of the cell phone policy implementation when we return and an opportunity to support the AVID program at Western.

Stay safe, 

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Student Access to Cell Phones:

A major priority as we return to school will be enforcing the updated ACPS cell phone policy.  The focus this semester is ensuring that our instructional time is free of any student cell phone use and access.  Students will not be able to access their phone during our instructional blocks including Warrior Period and study halls. Our bell schedule< is the best way to determine when your student can be reached by phone.  You are welcome to call the main office at 823-8700 to reach your student in case of something urgent.  Similarly, there is a phone in the main office for student use.  

Our assistant principals and I will be working with teachers and all WAHS staff on consistent processes across classrooms and instructional areas such as our library.  We want to support teachers by minimizing conflicts over cell phones.  Student’s will store their phones in clear pouches at the front of their classroom each period.  To help us in these efforts, please reiterate to your student the expectation of following the directions given by any staff member when it comes to phone storage and access.  

If a student accesses their phone during class time, in or out of the classroom, their phone will be securely stored in the main office for the remainder of the day and you will be notified.  Repeated violations will result in increasingly restrictive consequences.  We know we have room for improvement in restricting student access to their phones during instruction, and we hope to see a vast improvement through more consistent processes.

Eat Local and Support our AVID Program:

The WAHS AVID program is fundraising to offset the cost of an overnight college trip to Virginia Tech and the University of Lynchburg. We are grateful that Crozeli, a local sandwich shop in Crozet, has generously agreed to donate a portion of their sales on January 10th to the WAHS AVID program.  Please consider supporting both our AVID students and our neighborhood business on January 10th.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Dear Families, 

We are in the final days until we go on winter break.  This week is always a full one as students wrap up work before the break and we balance that work with some fun. Speaking of fun, we want to send a big thank you to the Staff Appreciation Committee volunteers and families who sent in treats last week.  The faculty lounge was overflowing with sugar and happiness!

I hope all of our students, staff, and families are able to relax and recharge over the break.  


Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Dear Families, 

It’s a busy time of year in general and Western is no exception!  I look forward to seeing many of you at our winter concerts and this week’s curriculum fair.  
Below are a few notes for the week.

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Reminder of our Curriculum Fair:  
Help your student build the best course of study to meet their goals.  Join us on Wednesday, December 11 for our Curriculum Fair.   There will be an expo of course and program offerings from 6:00 to 7:00 in the cafeteria.  We will have presentations by our counseling department from 6:45 to 7:30.  

From our Family Volunteers for Staff Appreciation:
TIS THE SEASON: Help us spoil the WAHS staff with (almost) 1,000 holiday treats!

Sign up at

The details: Help us spread some holiday cheer and show our WAHS staff how much they mean to us-- December's 12/13 staff appreciation event will be a table full of holiday treats! You provide the holiday cookies or treats, and we (the WAHS PTO volunteers) will provide the 100+ staff members with cookie tins so they can make their own holiday treat sampler to enjoy at their leisure.

Thanks in advance for your support. Homemade treats (cookies, brownies, etc) are awesome, but store-bought (Butter cookies, holiday cookie samplers, chocolates or supporting a local Crozet bakery like Praha) works too!

Reminder of Opioids and Fentanyl Information Program:
Recognizing that teen drug use and the extreme dangers of opioids and fentanyl are shared areas of concern, we will be hosting a program for students and families in the WAHS cafeteria on Monday, December 16th at 7:00 PM.  Dr. Dania Chastain, Director of the UVA Department of Anesthesiology’s Office of Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship (OPMOS), along with multidisciplinary members of the OPMOS, will be hosting a frank presentation that emphasizes facts, risks, and things that young adults can do to take care of themselves and the people they love.  They will share strategies for better communication between families and teenagers to keep them safe.

Attendees will be trained in how to administer Narcan and have plenty of time to ask questions about navigating the complicated and dangerous landscape of the opioid crisis.

Attendees will receive free Narcan to take home with them.  Please fill out this RSVP letting us know if you plan on attending so that we have sufficient supplies available.  If you cannot attend but would like to know about future events like this please use the RSVP form to let us know of your interest.

From our Student Leadership Program:

The 2025 WAHS with a Cause will be on March 24th.  WAHS with a Cause is an annual school-wide community service event that involves on-campus and off-campus projects for students to complete for a few hours at the beginning of the school day. We value this tradition of setting aside time for our whole school community to come together for a day of service and volunteering. 

To help us prepare, we are seeking any project ideas or organizations that would be interested in partnering with us and hosting a student group for a service project.  Please use this Google form to help us learn more about your ideas. This form is NOT binding. We are just collecting ideas for possible projects!

Annual Golden Apple Award Program: 

Nominations are now being accepted for the Golden Apple teacher recognition award program.  Visit this link if you or your student would like to nominate a teacher or learn more about the program.  Nominations will be accepted through January 27.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Good evening, 

With the close of our shortest week of the year, I hope that all of our students, staff, and families are set to have a relaxing break.  When we get back, we have three full weeks of school before winter break.  It will be nice to settle into a stable schedule.  Recognizing that many of us will be traveling and spending time with friends and family over the week, I am going ahead and sending out our notes for next week. 

Grateful for our school community, 
Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

WAHS Fall Art Show:  Check out the work of our amazing student artists on display at the Crozet Library.  The exhibition runs through December 7.

Follow Up from Principal’s Coffee: We had a productive conversation with the parents who were able to come for the principal’s coffee last week.  We will host another forum this winter.  Based on topics from that discussion, here are links that were requested.
1.    If you are interested in helping with staff appreciation events you can use this sign-up link
2.    To connect with our network of families you can join our WAHS Families Facebook page
3.    If you would like to get an email copy of the daily announcements that students hear each day use this link to sign up for morning announcements 

Reminder of our Giving Tree Fund: Each holiday season Henley and WAHS partner together to support our students and their siblings who are in need. This year, we have approximately 150 children that we intend to support through gift cards allowing families to do their own shopping. If you are in a position where you would like to donate money towards the Giving Tree Program please visit this Go Fund Me link. We appreciate your kindness, generosity, and willingness to give back directly to our local community. 

Reminder of our Curriculum Fair:  Help your student build the best course of study to meet their goals.  Join us on December 11 for our Curriculum Fair.   There will be an expo of course and program offerings from 6:00 to 7:00 in the cafeteria.  We will have presentations by our counseling department from 6:45 to 7:30.  

Yearbooks: Yearbooks are on sale, now!  Visit and search for Western Albemarle.  Books are $60 until May 1.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Good morning, 

It was great to have a full week of school last week and we are looking forward to another before the short week for break.  
This edition of notes for the week is going out early enough to remind everyone that we are hosting a matinee of our fall drama productions of Romeo and Juliet followed by The Firebugs at 2:00 at WAHS today.  A huge congratulations to the cast of Fire Bugs for winning first place at the regional one act competition. Break a leg at States!

Below are notes on upcoming events and informational items.
Thank you,

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

 Principal’s Coffee: Join me and other members of our admin team this Tuesday from 8:30 to 9:30am in the school library.  Our parent volunteers are generously providing coffee and bagels.  

While an RSVP is not required, you are welcome to use this link to let us know if you can join us, pose questions and topics you would like addressed, and give us feedback on future events. 

Long Lunch-Club Day on Friday, Nov 22: We will run a long lunch schedule for clubs and activities this Friday.  To do this we will have an altered bell schedule. Students do not have to sign up for a club or activity in adaptive scheduler.  The cafeteria will serve lunch the whole time.

1st Block


2nd Block


Long Lunch Activities
Club Meetings (11:55-12:30ish)



Yearbook News: 

  • Sales - Yearbooks are on sale, now!  Visit [] and search for Western Albemarle High School.
    WAHS is proud to be able to keep the initial price of the yearbook at $60. This year, the price will increase to $70 on May 1st. Yearbooks will be delivered on May 16.
  • Call for Candid Pictures - It is the mission of the WAHS Odyssey to feature as many students and as much student life as possible. Students and families can help! Contribute to Yearbook Snap! Yearbook Snap is an app specifically for you to submit pictures for the yearbook. The app will be your Yearbook Editors first stop for pictures of student life. Just:
    •    Download the official “Yearbook Snap” app
    •    Search for “Western Albemarle”
    •    Use code WAHS25
    •    Start sharing!
  • Underclass Pictures – Our Make Up Picture Day is Wednesday, November 20.  Students should come to the main office to reserve a time slot and get a pass to have their picture taken or retaken.  For retakes, please bring your original portrait package with you on Tuesday.
  • Please email our yearbook sponsor Nick Bradsher at with any questions.


Curriculum Fair: Save the date!  On December 11 we will host an in-person curriculum fair in the evening.  This is a time to explore exhibits on courses and programs at WAHS and other locations.  Details on exact time and presentation schedule will be shared this week.  

Come learn more about:

  • Scholar Studio Programs at WAHS, AHS, and MoHS
  • Early College Program at MoHS
  • JrROTC at MoHS
  • Center I Offerings
  • Course pathways in core content areas at WAHS
  • Electives available at WAHS

Annual Golden Apple Award Program: Nominations are now being accepted for the Golden Apple teacher recognition award program.  Visit this link if you or your student would like to nominate a teacher or learn more about the program. Nominations will be accepted through January 27.  

Jennifer Sublette, Principal
Western Albemarle High School

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Dear Families, 
We are looking forward to having two full weeks of school before the short week for Thanksgiving.  

Speaking of being thankful, I want to share my gratitude and appreciation for the 30 student volunteers who came out to WAHS this Saturday for a clean up day.  From the stadium area to the well-traveled path to Brownsville Market, the students picked up an estimated 80 pounds of litter.  That took a lot of work and initiative!

Below are notes for the week. 

Thank you,
Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Second Night of Student Progress Conferences: Our second night of conferences is this Thursday, November 14, from 4:30-7:00 pm.  If you would like to see if a teacher still has slots available, please use this Sign Up Genius link.  Families are also welcome to reach out for a meeting at a different time as the need arises.  

Fall Theater Productions: WAHS Drama is performing two shows this week! Join us to see The Firebugs, a creepy, 1950s play full of arson and blame, and Romeo and Juliet, the classic Shakespeare play full of love and tragedy. Both plays are being performed on Thursday, November 14th at 7 pm (conveniently starting after conferences end), Friday, November 15 at 7 pm, and Sunday, November 17th at 2 pm. 

The plays will be performed back-to-back, with a 15-minute intermission, so you only need to buy one ticket to see both. Tickets cost $5 for students and senior citizens and $10 for adults. Tickets are available for purchase online or at the door. See you there! 

Annual Golden Apple Award Program: Nominations are now being accepted for the Golden Apple teacher recognition award program.  Visit this link if you or your student would like to nominate a teacher or learn more about the program.  Nominations will be accepted through January 27.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Dear Families,

I hope that students enjoyed the extended weekend and are ready for our short week.  We look forward to seeing them tomorrow.
-Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal


Annual Golden Apple Award Program: Nominations are now being accepted for the Golden Apple teacher recognition award program.  Visit this link if you or your student would like to nominate a teacher or learn more about the program.  Nominations will be accepted through January 27. 

Second Night of Student Progress Conferences: It was great to connect with many of our families during last week’s conference night.  Our second night of conferences is on November 14 from 4:30-7:00 pm. If you are interested in scheduling a conference, please use this Sign Up Genius link.  Families are also welcome to reach out for a meeting at a different time as the need arises. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Dear Western Albemarle Students and Families,

As part of our commitment to safety, we are introducing a new weapons screening system at all varsity football and basketball games. The system has been field tested this past week at Monticello and Albemarle High Schools. Our administrators and game staff have been trained on the system and we will pilot it at this week’s junior varsity football game against Charlottesville before implementing it at our varsity game against Albemarle in two weeks.  

Why We Are Implementing This System  

Our goal is to ensure that all students, staff, and spectators feel safe at large, open events like football and basketball games. These gatherings bring together many people, making them more vulnerable. To maintain a secure and welcoming environment, we will use the OpenGate passive weapons screening system, manufactured by CEIA.  

How the System Works  

OpenGate allows for quick and steady entry, without requiring attendees to empty pockets or present bags. It screens for weapons that could pose a serious threat, but not for items of less significance ensuring a smooth and fast process.

What to Expect at the Game  

The system will be in use at the Western-Charlottesville junior varsity game on October 30. This is a time for the community and staff to get familiar with the system. The clear bag policy will still be enforced, so please plan accordingly. The system will be in use at our varsity home game against Albemarle on November 8.  

This screening system is part of the exploration of a larger safety plan. We may expand its use to other events like dances, performances, and graduations after assessing its effectiveness. After evaluation of the systems, the county may expand this program to daily use in schools. 

Detailed standard operating procedures (SOP) are in place for the smooth implementation of OpenGate. We appreciate your cooperation as we work to keep our school communities safe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your support of our schools and student-athletes.


Jennifer Sublette, WAHS Principal

Daniel Bledsoe, WAHS Athletic Director

 Sunday, October 27, 2024

Dear Families, 

First, I want to share a huge thank you to our family volunteers who provided breakfast for our staff on Thursday morning.  It was a beautiful and healthy spread that set us up for a productive morning.  

We kick off the second quarter of the year with a busy, five-day week that includes our Fall Festival and first night of conferences.  

Below are notes and updates for the week. 


Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat: Everyone is invited on Monday to come out for our 3rd Annual Fall Festival hosted by our performing arts programs and our 1st (hopefully annual) Trunk or Treat hosted by our chapter of MOCHA/WOCHA/POCHA. 

Both events are open to all ages.  Fall festival activities run from 5:00 to 8:00 and trunks will be ready for visitors between 5:30 and 7:30. 

Student Progress Conferences: Our first night of fall student progress conferences will be Wednesday, October 30 from 4:30-7:00 pm. 

To reserve conference sessions for this week or on November 14, use this Sign Up Genius link. We will turn off the sign-up link on Wednesday morning so that teachers can prepare for families coming that evening.  Sign-ups will re-open on Thursday morning. 

Fun Friday Schedule: Floods got in our way last month, so we’ll have our first Fun Friday of the year this week.  In recent years we have had Fun Friday activities and club meetings during our Warrior Period time.  This year, we are hoping to give students more time and flexibility for clubs and optional activities by running a long lunch block. Students with a first block release need to take note that 2nd block will start at 10:25 on our Fun Friday schedule. 

Fun Friday Morning Schedule

  • 1st Block – 8:55 to 10:20
  • 2nd Block – 10:25 to 11:50
  • Fun Friday/Long Lunch – 11:55 to 1:00

*The cafeteria will be open and serving food during long lunch; CATEC students will not need to leave 2nd block early to get food since they will have plenty of time to eat before the bus leaves.

Attendance Window: To streamline student check-in and out, we have created an attendance window in our main entrance vestibule.  You are still encouraged to call ahead or email our attendance staff at, but, if you need to come in to sign-out your student, you will find the window right when you walk in. 

Reminder on Upcoming Days with No School for Students

November 4 is a professional development day for teachers

November 5 is election day; WAHS is a polling site, and the county has asked that school personnel not be on site that day.  WAHS offices will not be open; we will monitor phone calls and email remotely.

Save the Date: Introduction of Morning Meet Ups with Ms. Sublette

As a school community, we continue to look for opportunities to improve communication and connections between staff and families.  This year, we will host three opportunities to meet with Ms. Sublette. These will be informal events with a chance to hear about current topics at school, ask questions, and spend time together.  We will try a morning, in-person format for our first event and then determine if we want to adjust times and format based on feedback and participation. 

  • Date: November 19
  • Time: 8:30-9:30
  • Parking: Spots will be marked off out front

 A form to solicit questions and topics will be sent out to all families a few days before the event.


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Dear Families, 

This week we mark the end of the first quarter of the year! That’s hard to believe.  I want to take a moment to thank all of the students and staff who put in so much work for a great spirit week and homecoming season.  A hurricane and floods couldn’t dampen our school spirit (pun intended). 

This is a short school week, but we will devote our energy to getting back to normal and finishing strong as we wrap up our first quarter.  Below are notes on upcoming events and informational items.

Thank you,

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Checking on Student Progress - The End of the First Quarter: The end of the first quarter is this Wednesday, October 23.  End of year course grades are the average of first and second semester grades. The semester grade is not the average of the two quarters.  However, the end of the quarter provides an important checkpoint for students, families and teachers on how students are doing in class. Teachers will have grades up to date in PowerSchool by October 30 for work completed before the end of the quarter.  Any exceptions to this will be communicated directly to families and students. 


Student Progress Conferences: Our fall student progress conferences will be held on October 30 and November 14 from 4:30-7:00 pm. Conferences on these dates will be in-person.

To reserve conference sessions, please use this Sign Up Genius link which includes sessions for both dates. If these dates and times don’t work for you, please contact your child’s teachers or school counselor to arrange for an alternate time to meet.

Managing Messages from Remind:  We have gotten feedback from families that, while they appreciate the information shared by teachers through Remind, the volume of text messages can be overwhelming and frustrating.   If you use the Remind application, messages will come to the app and can be reviewed when it is convenient.  Please see this guide on how to set up your account in the Remind app, if this is an option that would work for you.

Make Up Picture Day: Between spirit week and PSAT testing, we know that many students still need to get their school picture taken.  The make up day will be November 20.  We will work to get passes and assigned times for all students who need a picture.

Introduction of Morning Meet Ups with Ms. Sublette: As a school community, we continue to look for opportunities to improve communication and connections between school staff and families.  This year, we will host three opportunities for families to meet with me. These will be informal events with a chance to hear about current topics at school, ask questions, and spend time together.  We will try a morning, in-person format for our first event and then determine if we want to adjust times and format based on feedback and participation. 

  • Date:  November 19
  • Time:  8:30-9:30
  • Parking: Spots will be marked off out front

 A form to solicit questions and topics will be sent out to all families a few days before the event.

Upcoming Days with No School for Students

October 24 is a professional development day for teachers 

October 25 is a teacher workday for the end of first quarter

November 4 is a professional development day for teachers

November 5 is election day; WAHS is a polling site, and the county has asked that school personnel not be on site that day.  WAHS offices will not be open; we will monitor phone calls and email remotely.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Dear Families, 

This past week was an exciting kick-off to our Spirit Week fun and we are looking forward to all of the activities and dress up days planned for this coming week.  While it is great to have fun together as a school, we will also maintain our academic focus including administering the PSAT to sophomores and juniors on Tuesday.

Below are notes for what promises to be a busy week!

Thank you, 

Jenn Sublette, WAHS Principal

Link to Family Assistance Form: Earlier this week our counseling department sent out the form for families to request assistance with food, clothing, gifts for the holidays, and other necessities.  We learned that there was a problem with the form when it was first sent.  That issue has been resolved.  Here are the updated links, for anyone who tried to complete it and couldn’t.

WAHS Family Assistance Form 

Asistencia familiar WAHS 2024-25

Cafeteria Account Balances: Our cafeteria staff are discreet and do not mention to students if they have a negative balance on their account when they buy lunch.  Please make sure that there are sufficient funds in your student’s account by checking

Plans for PSAT School Testing Date – Tuesday, October 15:  Sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT during the first half of the school day on Tuesday, October 15.  They have received information on their testing location and reminders to have their school laptop with them. 

We have alternative opportunities for freshmen and seniors during the testing block. For seniors, counselors will be offering an Open Lab for those who would like to work on either college or employment applications from 8:55 – 12:30 in the cafeteria. Freshmen will participate in a field trip experience focusing on career pathways and exploration.  A separate overview of the field trip plan and a permission slip have been sent to freshmen families through the freshmen seminar classes. 

On Tuesday classes for the day for all students will start at 12:55.

Testing and Morning Activities Start at 8:55

Lunch: 12:00-12:50 (longer lunch to give testers a break and accommodate a range of field trip return times for freshmen)

1B: 12:55 - 1:35  

2B: 1:40 - 2:20  

3B: 2:25 - 3:05

4B: 3:10 - 3:50   

School Picture Days: Students in grades 9-11 will have their school pictures taken during English classes on October 14 and October 15. Students who take English at another school, can go to the aux gym to get their picture taken on the day they are at Western.  Students who have English on B days will take their pictures in their English class after the PSATs are done (see Tuesday’s bell schedule above).

Make up and retake picture day will be on November 20.

Modified Bells Schedule on Friday for Spirit Week Movie Assembly:  Friday, the final day of Spirit Week, we will run a special schedule to accommodate an assembly for class movies.

1A: 8:55-10:10

2A: 10:15-11:25

Movies and Lunch: 11:30-1:20 

3A: 1:25-2:35

4A: 2:40-3:50


Family Conferences: As mentioned last week, conferences will be on October 30 and November 14 from 4:30 to 7:00. A Sign-Up Genius to reserve times with teachers will be sent out to families by October 18.  Teachers, counselors, and administrators are always available to schedule meetings at other times, if there are concerns.